Good Bye from Dublin

España! Polska! Italia! Suomi!

Goodbye!! :( It has been fun learning about your countries. The videos look really well.

España, Murcia looks like a beautiful place and the Medieval Party looks like a lot of fun!!

Polska, your pastries look really tasty! Our teachers wish we celebrated Teacher’s Day in Ireland.

Italia, underwater rugby looks hard but fun! The piggy was really cool (: and your teachers told us loads about your school. I think you would very much enjoy Transition Year in Ireland.

Suomi, Finland is so beautiful! I am very jealous that we don’t have ski centres in Ireland. Do you often see the northern lights?

I enjoyed meeting all the teachers from your schools, they were all lovely and gave us a great chat!

I learned loads about film making over the last few months.

I love Ireland and I hope you all visit sometime!! :) You are all welcome Céad Míle Fáilte Roimhe!! We’ll show you around! (:

From Lauren

Hello to the students that we are partnered with,

I thought the project was fun and interesting. The DVD was fun to make, I found some interesting facts about my own country too!

I enjoyed watching your videos too. They were fun to watch and I learned a lot about your countries.

We got to talk to a bunch of your teachers too, they were fun to talk to.

I learned more about editing the video than I had previously known.

I like being a young Irish person. Out relationship with Europe, in my eyes is good.

"not backwards in coming forwards" – means a person is not shy.

"no flies on him" – means a person is not easily deceived.

"she has a tongue that would clip a hedge" - means a person who gossips.

"come for a day and stay for a week" – means someone outstaying their welcome.

Just a few facts to ponder over



Hello everyone involved in the Comenius project 2011.

I am one of the Irish students who got to see the finished projects from each of the participating countries. I.really enjoyed the free time video from Spain with the music from naruto. Also the free time video from Finland was awesome. All the skiing you guys get to do must be awesome would love to go skiing but we don't get much snow here in Ireland.

