Green School

Green Schools Campaign

Our school has recently formed a Green School committee to try to make our school more eco-friendly! Our campaign started last year and already it has been a huge success! Last week we had a week dedicated to being eco-friendly and to try to get more people interested in our project!

We held class competitions each day and the winning class won prizes! We also gave students hints and tips for being more environmentally friendly! We had a week of activities connected with the environment, and how to reduce electricity, water and landfill waste! We had good fun and at the same time we got to promote our green schools campaign!

As a result people are becoming more eco-friendly and we have lots of new students wanting to join our steering committee.

We have a notice board in our school foyer. We have pictures and recent updates so our students can know what is happening each week.

Each member on our committee must carry out a weekly litter survey, counting litter in certain areas, after each month these results are recorded and then shown to fellow students of the school. We have a waste survey monthly when we count the school’s monthly landfill, sorting it into plastic, paper, compost ands general waste. We then recycle all we can, making our school a cleaner, greener environment!


Tiziana said...

Today it's absolutely necessary to make people aware of environmental problems. Fortunately many green campaigns are spreading all over the world and schools are definitely the starting point to learn to be more eco-friendly.
Also our school has been involved in that type of activity for 3 years with good results, but prizes are not included!By the way, what kind of prizes do you give your students?
