Teacher’s Day

The 14th of October in Poland is called “Teacher’s Day”. On that day all schools have a day off and a day before is a celebration day with best wishes and flowers for teachers. Students to our surprise prepared a parody of popular show “Got talent”. At assembly the principal announced which teachers got awards for successes in work with students and other achievements in teacher’s prophesy. In this year the highest distinction – the Award of the National Education Minister got Iwona. Sylvia, Kasia and I got the Award of the Headmaster. Thomas


José Manuel (Spain) said...

Congratulations!!!. You do not know what happy I am for hearing these great news. It was only justice for all of you. José Manuel

eileen said...

I recognise that place and the familiar faces in the audience! Polish students are so nice to their teachers!!!!

Tiziana said...

I wish to compliment you all on your high profile activities and achievements.
That reinforces the very good impression I got when I visited your school and your country.
Best and warmest wishes to everybody.

Unknown said...

Well, I just wanted to notice that Thomas forgot about me when ennumerated those who got the award....