From three years our school has taken part in the competition for young honourable blood donors entitled “Young blood saves life”. Last year ZS Pasłęk’s students donated 50 litres of blood for transfusion in medical operations, which gave us the first place in our region. On the 7th of October we won the cup and the diploma as a prize in that noble competition. I also felt really delighted to be awarded first prize from the Chairman of Polish Red Cross Organization as a teacher who was responsible for that action.
On the 22nd of October another blood donation was organized in ZS Pasłęk, which 39 students participated in. So far we have collected 17 litres of blood but that not our last word. We’ll plan next action in March or April.
We are so proud of our students and their selfless help for other people’s needs and hope that we will also win this competition next year!!! I’m enclosing few photos. Best wishes, Thomas