Young blood saves life

From three years our school has taken part in the competition for young honourable blood donors entitled “Young blood saves life”. Last year ZS Pasłęk’s students donated 50 litres of blood for transfusion in medical operations, which gave us the first place in our region. On the 7th of October we won the cup and the diploma as a prize in that noble competition. I also felt really delighted to be awarded first prize from the Chairman of Polish Red Cross Organization as a teacher who was responsible for that action.

On the 22nd of October another blood donation was organized in ZS Pasłęk, which 39 students participated in. So far we have collected 17 litres of blood but that not our last word. We’ll plan next action in March or April.

We are so proud of our students and their selfless help for other people’s needs and hope that we will also win this competition next year!!! I’m enclosing few photos. Best wishes, Thomas

Teacher’s Day

The 14th of October in Poland is called “Teacher’s Day”. On that day all schools have a day off and a day before is a celebration day with best wishes and flowers for teachers. Students to our surprise prepared a parody of popular show “Got talent”. At assembly the principal announced which teachers got awards for successes in work with students and other achievements in teacher’s prophesy. In this year the highest distinction – the Award of the National Education Minister got Iwona. Sylvia, Kasia and I got the Award of the Headmaster. Thomas

More Delphi Pictures

Delphi Pictures

Delphi Adventure Centre by Angelina Luczak

Delphi 2010

Hello everybody!!!! We are the Transition Year students from Firhouse Community College.

On the 27 September we went to Delphi Adventure Centre in Co. Galway.

We did a lot of fantastic things in Delphi like surfing, kayaking, wall climbing, abseiling,

bog walking, high wires, forest walks, team challenges and a lot more adventurous exercises.

We were in the countryside so there was little phone reception but the mountains and the views were excellent.







Kilbaha by Martina Smyth Firhouse Dublin

Kilbaha Co. Clare Ireland

I was in County Clare in the West of Ireland at the weekend. These pictures are from some of the beautiful places in the West. The Bridges of Ross are one of the many places that I took a picture of. They are located in the small town of Kilbaha in the West of Ireland. The Bridges of Ross are not literally bridges and that is why they are so popular among tourists in the world today because they were formed naturally.

Another place I took a picture of was the lighthouse called Loop Head. This lighthouse is located on some magnificent cliffs. Seriously they are pretty scary – try standing at the edge and looking down!

Another thing I took a photo of was me and my cousins black-berry picking. These grow on the bushes along the sides of the road in the West of Ireland. Black-berry picking is so much fun…you should try it if you come to Ireland! Especially since you get to eat them afterwards! They are really tasty. There are lots of them in the months of September until November.

You will notice that in one of the pictures there is a small rural church. This church has an interesting story behind it. In the 1800s Ireland was controlled by the British. Since they were Protestant and we were Catholic – they wouldn’t allow us to have a church. The local people in Kilbaha decided to build an ark (a small house) which the priest could use as a place to celebrate mass. That is what they did and to this day the ark they used is still in the church. As a result the church is called the Little Ark.

Hello from Firhouse Community College

Hello Everybody! We are Transition Year students in Firhouse Community College. We are delighted to be a part of the Comenius project and we hope that you are too. We will be looking forward to talking to you by video conference and by email. We will also be looking forward to reading your blogs and we hope that you will like our blog too. We will be posting some beautiful photographs of the many natural places of beauty in Ireland and we hope that you will post some pictures of the places that you are familiar with in your different countries!