Firhouse Melting Pot!!

Firhouse Community College is a real melting pot of cultures with 35 different nationalities in the school. As you can imagine there are many languages heard on the corridors every day. Students come from European countries like Poland, Lithuania, Hungary. They also come from further afield like The Philippines, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, Somalia and even countries like Kuwait and Nepal!

Some international students have been in Ireland for a number of years while others have only been here a few weeks. For those students who have recently arrived and who need help with their English, we have an English Language Department in the school. In the EL Department, students receive classes to help them with reading, writing, speaking and listening in English. They also get help with words they need for other subjects.

We celebrate everyone’s culture during our intercultural festival which is held in March every year. Students created posters about their countries, sang songs and did traditional dances. You can see pictures of last year’s events on the school’s website

Firhouse Community College we could say is a mirror of O’Connell Street in Dublin because so many people from all over the world meet and respect each other.