Sharing OurSpace [SOS] project aims to establish a partnership of 4 European schools in order for children to improve their language skills, learning motivation, European awareness, ICT abilities, cooperation, integration in their city and in European dimension through sharing with their partners their culture: traditions, art, natural spaces, music, festivities like Saints Day, costumes,....that is their space. The name of the project emphasizes the word “share” and the network MySpace. In this case it is OurSpace since it stresses the idea of a European common space.
We will make a guide for teenagers as the final product. Students will work in a cooperative and participative form, where the teachers are only coordinators. Students will prepare material as if the other European students would be their guests. Slides, cd’s, videos, maps, brochures, descriptions, guided walks or tours will be produced. These will be chosen by students among topics proposed by teachers in an Internet forum specially made for them. During the course all the products will be upload to a blog and in a section in the schools website. At the end of the year schools will celebrate “Partners day” , in which typical recipes, music and pictures will be exposed.
I am waiting yours opinions . Soon more