
That is that I have found in YOUTUBE. You can comment it, if sometime you enter here.
This is a traditional "belén"

Hi Jose and Magdalena

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the photos. We had a good time in Poland! Hope you are having a nice weekend. It is frosty here.
I do not have skype and don't think that I want to go on facebook. I like the blog idea. Can I clarify the means of communication. I will use gmail when we communicate and use this space to blog. We can always use the telephone too!
I have a meeting after school on Tuesday in the local education centre following up on the Polish trip. They have asked whether we would like further training on Moodle.
Would you like me to fill in the application form? I am happy with the idea of getting students to indicate which areas they are most interested in. They are already familiar with the technology.
I suppose the priority is to make our application. I am confident that I will be the teacher involved next year. I will be working with 15/16 year olds. We will have 80 minutes per week timetabled.
So am I right that we should focus on the application form?
Lots of love

Hi No stress !!

Hi Jose
Sorry for causing you stress!! You need to play more golf!! I have never used a blog before. This week I got a gmail address and now I am blogging !! This is progress. Hi to all the guys. We will have to start responding to Jose's pleas for communication. Jose I was at the dentist earlier( do I sound like one of your students?) and I promise I will give time to reply tomorrow Sat. I am just back from the pizzeria with my husband and have had some nice Italian wine. Now I am going to have a Polish vodka! So rest until tomorrow. Have a good weekend.
XX Eileen

Communication between the members of the group

Perhaps, you will have noticed that I have writen many messages, is it not true? Last thing is that I have posted summary project in forum in Facebook, also in the web Wideminds/eu/moodle/, also in the blog. No in the email, by the moment jeeje, because Eileen has problems with it. All is for trying effective communications channels. Please give your opinion here or in Facebook or in the Elblag course in Moodle or o by email. There are 5 ways for communication (Facebook, Blog, Email, Moodle, and Skype?), we must prove them all and choose the most effective. It is not true, that is a pleasure have notice of you?.

Project Summary

The Sharing OurSpace [SOS] project aims to establish a partnership of 4 European schools in order for children to improve their language skills, learning motivation, European awareness, ICT abilities, cooperation, integration in their city and in European dimension through sharing with their partners their culture: traditions, art, natural spaces, music, festivities like Saints Day, costumes,....that is their space. The name of the project emphasizes the word “share” and the network MySpace. In this case it is OurSpace since it stresses the idea of a European common space.
We will make a guide for teenagers as the final product. Students will work in a cooperative and participative form, where the teachers are only coordinators. Students will prepare material as if the other European students would be their guests. Slides, cd’s, videos, maps, brochures, descriptions, guided walks or tours will be produced. These will be chosen by students among topics proposed by teachers in an Internet forum specially made for them. During the course all the products will be upload to a blog and in a section in the schools website. At the end of the year schools will celebrate “Partners day” , in which typical recipes, music and pictures will be exposed.
I am waiting yours opinions . Soon more